We Consider

Applications from UK registered charities. A project is eligible:

  • If it improves the well-being of the serving British Army community (Regular and Reserve)
  • And there is justification for a one-off award with clearly defined benefits
  • And meets our priority of providing benefit across the whole Army particularly for Junior Ranks.
The process is competitive as there are always more applications than funds available. Eligibility is no guarantee that a grant will be awarded.

We do not support

Veterans - We only support activities for serving personnel and their families.

Individuals - We are a charity that provides collective benefit to the whole community. We have no casework capability and cannot deal directly with individual issues.

Cadets - We do not award grants to the Army Cadet Force or Combined Cadet Force.

The application process for charities is outlined here. Army units and organisations should refer to Army Command Standing Order 3206.

eligibility Neuro Gym, DMRC Stanford Hall