Stage 1 Contact Us with a brief outline of the proposed application.

Stage 2 We will get in touch with you to discuss it and, if eligible, issue an application pack.

Stage 3 You complete and submit the application. We carry out due diligence; we look for a record of sustainable finances, good governance and relevant expertise. We may visit you.

Stage 4 The Board consider your application, with others, and decide on an award. You will be notified of the outcome.

Stage 5 The grant is issued, usually with 6 months of the decision. We will visit the project.

Stage 6 You report back to us on the on the project and we assess the outcomes.

Timescale. Initial contact can be made at any time. There are normally two grant meetings a year in May and November (with closing dates at the end of March and September respectively).

A grant to your charity will reduce the funding that we have for Army units, so we have to ensure that what you are proposing will bring real benefits, represents good value for money and that you are the best organisation to provide it.

Raised beds at DMRC Stanford Hall for HighGround